let’s make visions reality.
Honest, unfiltered conversations on the emotional, mental, social, and business aspects of what it means to be a creative.
It’s our pandemic-versary. here’s a vibe check.
Anyone else feel really weird right now? Anyone? Not just me. Okay, cool. I think there has just been this weird energy and start to 2021. I kind of was expecting it. It didn't take me completely by surprise. But I feel like there's been just a collective exhaustion, which we've been feeling since the pandemic started almost a year ago.
Feel Like giving up on your Acting career? try these 5 Things.
At one time (or many) in an actor’s career, they arrive at the feeling that they’re not cut out to be an actor. It’s a heartbreaking feeling. But it can also become a catalyst for massive positive change. Here are 5 things to do when you feel like giving up.
4 ways to choose love over fear as an actor
Fear can wiggle its way into every part of our lives if we let it. As smart actors, it’s up to each of us to choose the place from which to make our decisions and monitor our thoughts. That’s right, YOU get to choose what you want your life to be driven by and where your choices stem from. So is it going to be love or fear?