let’s make visions reality.
Honest, unfiltered conversations on the emotional, mental, social, and business aspects of what it means to be a creative.
Back to Basics: Actor Headshots, resumes, and reels
We’re going back to basics with the three core tools actors have to pursue their careers: the headshot, resume, and reel. We’re covering important tips and tricks to make sure your materials are up to standard.
What is my Actor Typecast? Examples and Tips
What is a typecast for actors? How do I figure out how casting directors see me? Learn the answers to these questions and more to help you become more strategic in your acting career.
How to Use Eco Cast Live for Auditions
Not sure what Eco Cast Live is? It’s the new way for casting directors to host live virtual auditions on Actors Access. Instead of using a third-party video chat system (like Zoom), you now can do it all within the Actors Access website!
Feel Like giving up on your Acting career? try these 5 Things.
At one time (or many) in an actor’s career, they arrive at the feeling that they’re not cut out to be an actor. It’s a heartbreaking feeling. But it can also become a catalyst for massive positive change. Here are 5 things to do when you feel like giving up.
never question your emails to agents again
Raise your hand if you’ve ever been stressed out over writing an email in your acting career…oh all of you too? Whew. Glad we realized we’re not alone on that one. Emails are vital to the working actor’s life these days, and yet it’s another thing that they just don’t teach as part of your acting education in university or class. (Don’t worry, that’s why you have us at Beyond Acting!).
There are a lot of great actors out there. There are way less great actors who also write their own projects, have marketing savvy skills, or are masters of inventing new revenue streams, right? Learn how to create more value as an actor to increase your luck.