Alison Haselden

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3 strategic posts to pin on instagram for Creatives

The new pinned posts feature on Instagram is SO exciting - particularly for creatives, artists, and actors.

If you’ve ever been worried about your “best” posts being pushed too far down in your Instagram profile, or worry about posting “non-actor” content & confusing people - this is going to be a game-changing feature for you!

Have you pinned your posts yet? Read on to learn everything you need to know about this new Instagram feature and how to use it strategically for your acting career.

What is a pinned post?

A pinned post allows you to select one to three existing posts from your Instagram feed and pin, or hold them, at the very top of your feed. They will remain featured at the top of your profile even though they are not your most recent posts. Think of it in the same way as “pinning” a photo to a particular place on a bulletin board. Instagram users are able to pin many types of content; photos, carousel posts, videos, and Reels. Pinning posts is valuable to creators because it allows you to have control over the first content a user will see when viewing your profile. When selected strategically, these pinned posts can be very helpful for actors to make their personal brands, talents, and personalities clear.

How do I pin a post on Instagram?

How to pin a post to your Instagram profile:

  1. On the Instagram app, click to your main profile by selecting the button with your profile photo on it along the bottom toolbar (far right)

  2. Scroll through your Instagram feed to find the post you would like to pin to the top of your profile.

  3. Press & hold on the post you’d like to pin.

  4. You’ll see a menu of options pop up: click the first option “Pin to Profile” & the post will go to the top of your feed!

Can I change out my pinned posts on Instagram?

While you are only allowed to have a maximum of 3 pinned posts at a time per Instagram account, you can change them whenever you want. To change a pinned post on Instagram, you must first un-pin an existing one. Follow the same steps above to press and hold on the pinned post you’d like to remove. The menu will reappear and you can click the second option to “Unpin from Profile”. Then you’d just go through the same four steps as listed above to select and pin your new post.

What type of posts should I pin to my Instagram profile?

For creatives, actors, and performers of all kinds, there are certain types of posts that are most strategic to consider pinning to your profile. A pinned post should have a specific purpose or intention for those who visit your Instagram profile, whether they already follow you or are seeing you for the first time. You want your pinned posts to help make a clear, positive impression by expressing your personal brand, your talent, and encouraging viewers to want to learn more about you.

These are the three types of posts I suggest all artists pin to their Instagram profile:

  1. An “introduction post” that shares the highlights of your personal brand: who you are, what you do, what you have to offer the world, and what users can expect from following you. If you are an actor or performer, this post ideally highlights your headshots or press shots.

  2. A “talent post” that features a video of your best work. As an actor, that might be your full acting reel or a recent clip from a film or TV show. If you are another type of artist, share a video of your talent, the art you create, etc.

  3. Your “best-performing post that represents your niche”. Check your analytics to see what posts had the best engagement over the past year. Of those posts, which one represents the type of content you post most frequently? Based on the data, that post is likely to continue to delight and attract new followers, show them what to expect from your profile, and get them excited for more!

Why are these three types of posts the best to pin to your Instagram? First and foremost, they make sure you are leading with your authentic which helps to attract likeminded followers. Second, you are ensuring that everyone sees your BEST work as an artist as soon as they get to your profile. And finally, it shows off your original content & creativity!


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3. Download my FREE Instagram Guide for Actors:

No more wondering "what to post?". These 50 Instagram Post Prompts For Actors will set you up for success and help you create content for social media that will help you connect with the right people and grow you fanbase online!

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